If you own or manage a small business or mid-size business Kyler Murray Black Jersey , whether it's a home business, an eBay store or a bricks and mortar business, Pitney Bowes will save you money and time every time you ship packages or use direct mail.
You know all the times you or an employee stands in line at the post office to buy postage and send out mailings? That's time and payroll money wasted, not to mention aggravation spent. A Pitney Bowes digital mailing system will save you time and your small business up to 20% on postage. The Mailstation2, for example, has a built-in scale that calculates the exact postage necessary on each letter or package up to two pounds. And you pay the same amount for postage as you would at the post office - there is no mark-up. In fact, you may qualify for discounted postage Haason Reddick Black Jersey , depending on the volume of mail you send.
No more guess work or running to the post office to have everything weighed. And it makes the calculation you need, whether you are sending post cards, small packages or letters, and whether you want to send them First Class, Priority, Express, Flat Rate or Parcel Post. It also handles international mail. Processing 18 envelopes a minute Christian Kirk Black Jersey , for a home business with no employees or a small business, it's a real time saver. Plus, you can customize your envelopes - use them as ad space. The Pitney Bowes Mailstation2 will print a custom ad on them. It also keeps track of expenses for you.
The whole thing is risk free. You can use it for two months, scot free, except for your supplies. After that, if you don't like it, no problem. Return it. You will want to keep it Chandler Jones Black Jersey , though - it's only $19.99 a month for a year after the first two months. Sending an employee to the post office only twice a month would cost you $20 at $10 an hour. Or if you leave your home business to do it your self, you could lose leads and deals.
The Mailstation2 is just one example of Pitney Bowes' mailing systems. The company offers other, more elaborate but easy-to-use direct mail systems and small business equipment such as document binders and shredders, all of them economically priced. And Pitney Bowes' hardware is integrated with digital services. In addition, it has a variety of valuable services that any small business or home business can use to add profit to the bottom line. You can also easily order all your supplies, whether they be postage-meter ink cartridges or bottles of sealing solution direct from Pitney Bowes.
And if you are a mid-size business and high-volume mailer, you will appreciate Pitney Bowes' new "Volly Pat Tillman Black Jersey ," a digitalized, highly secure opt-in mail delivery service you can offer your customers. Using the latest cloud-based communications platform, it benefits both you and them. In a single a