On the note. The newspost has been around busy or current information surrounding. It was never meant to be. If you want a segment it shouldn't be tagged as the update but instead under a different re-occuring category called"Upcoming Content". We are fine with all the post signposting if it's on the horizon! It valuable given not everyone captures every bit of information, we simply have to present it properly.
On the BTS stuff, thanks for the thoughts. We're in the process of moving towards being more development-update orientated which should provide more of a feel of what you're looking for. We are very much committed not to announcing matters too early to avoid mistakes of the past, however at the exact same time, we would like to increase transparency alongside that instead of you all feeling more at the dark due to it. We're coming up with plans for how we struck that balance at the moment and hopefully whatever we come up with will feel closer to what you described!
What I described to you is what Jagex did for many years before Mod Warden came about and put a stop to it. Gamers in the community are mad at Jagex because was ended for no reason with no substitute. I am quite pleased to hear that it can be coming back but it should never had left. Additionally I want to continue to reiterate something which I'm afraid you guys do not understand: The error before was not that Jagex announced something too early, it was that you didn't correctly convey its progress, strategy changes, and reasoning behind everything.
The biggest example would have been the bank. It was something that'd development sites and effort but has been pushed aside because of Mobile. Mobile demanded the motor group that was the group and was a larger priority. This was NEVER communicated. We were just told the rework was on. When a remark on reddit said it was shelved it triggered a massive backlash. Partly because the word'shelved' is misunderstood, but primarily because it wasn't communicated by Jagex effectively.
Perhaps add a new tab section to the information update where it clearly states upcoming modifications into RuneScape and that they're not yet? You guys went back and updated the aisle on the article, which will be amazing and all, but might have been avoided all together in the event that you'd put it in a more appropriate place to start with. I believe that the point that Rubic makes in his post you holds merit. There would be no requirement to possess confusing content such as this in upgrade posts if you guys brought back monthly BTS news articles and videos.
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